Jul 23, 2018

Batch No. 17 - Lemon Eucalypt and Bottlebrush (sold out)

Another delicious batch from our home-base in Mariginiup! This batch is one of our smallest batches yet, but true to Nectar Honey principles we never blend our honey - even if the harvest is small - so that you can enjoy its unique flavour.

The bees collected nectar from the majestic Lemon-Eucalypt tree (Corymbia Citriodora) and Bottlebrush (Callistemon) flowers to craft this unique batch for us to enjoy!

The flowers of the Lemon-Eucalypt tree are a creamy white and sprout from the end of the long branches which, on our property, are a fair flight up in the air! The amazing scent that emanates from the Lemon-Eucalpt is fresh and citrusy, as its name suggests, and come through strongly in the taste of the honey.

The bottlebrushes in the area were generously adorned with bright red spikey columns of colour, at harvest time, in the characteristic bottle-brush shape. These are a childhood favourite of mine, having dotted the verge of our family home for as long as I could remember.

You will love this batch if you like the lighter, citrusy flavoured honeys that have a slight woody flavour. This fresh batch is a perfect match for a herbal tea, or a lemon and hot water drink on a cold winter's day.

This batch was harvested by our in-house Beekeeper James, and good friend Sammy - in June 2018.


With love

Nectar Honey Team
