Jul 17, 2017

Batch Number 9 - Jarrahwood Creamed (Sold Out)

Our Creamed Jarrahwood Honey, Batch 9, was collected from the beautiful Jarrahwood forest in Nannup Western Australia. Nannup is a beautiful town in Western Australia's Great Southern region - an area known for producing fine foods and wine. The area is as picturesque as this honey is delicious!

This is our first ever complete batch of creamed honey - something we did because there was such demand from you, our customers. We could not keep up with the requests for jars of creamed honey, so you asked and we answered with our first dedicated creamed honey batch!

If you have never had creamed honey before, you are about to fall in love. Creamed honey is perfectly pure and raw like all of our honeys, the only difference is that as the honey starts to crystallise we mix/whip it to 'train' it to crystallise in a smooth rather than crunchy way.

Creamed honey is so hard to get your hands on because only local Western Australian beekeepers can produce it for sale in WA. The reason being that all other overseas or interstate honeys are required to be heat treated before entering the state. When you heat treat honey it prevents it from crystallising and therefore you can't make creamed honey from it!

The bees that collected this brilliant batch were housed in hives close to the centre of the Jarrahwood forest, between Nannup and Margaret River. The trees that were flowering during this time included the stunningly tall Jarrah tree (Eucalyptus Marginata), the Marri tree (Corymbia Calophylla) and a few native Australian bushes.

The Jarrah flowers give the honey a fig/treacle flavour and the Marri and native Australian bushes add levels of complexity to the flavour, creating a smooth, subtly sweet and delectably stretchy creamed honey.

This batch was collected (and creamed) by our main beekeeper James and yours truly (Sarah). After suiting up and harvesting we popped over to the Busselton Jetty for a cheeky fishing trip. Sadly though, our fisherman's skills are apparently not as honed as our beekeeping skills.

We hope you enjoy this unique batch - we certainly enjoyed collecting it for you.

With love,

Nectar Honey Team
